400 Rabbits
- 1.0 oz. blanco tequila (Fortaleza still strength)
- 0.5 oz. mezcal (Del Maguey Vida)
- 0.5 oz. Ancho Reyes Chile liqueur
- 0.5 oz. creme de cacao (Tempus Fugit)
- 0.25 oz. Lillet Blanc
- 0.25 oz. lemon juice
- 2 dashes of Bittermens Xocolatl Mole bitters
Shake with ice and double strain into coupe.
Spicy Mexican chocolate. That was my goal for this one. That, and a strong agave profile from the base spirits. For that I used the Fortaleza still strength (you can use the regular proof or another brand, but I might then up the pour a little) and a bit of mezcal. The ancho chile liqueur came next, and although I usually keep the chocolate down to 0.25 oz. or it gets a little syrupy, against these strong flavors a half ounce worked just fine. The Lillet and lemon juice brighten things up a bit and add some acid, and the mole bitters rounds it all out and pulls it together.
The name comes from the Aztec myth of Mayahuel and her 400 rabbit god children who represented all the levels of intoxication (read here). This drink isn’t THAT boozy, but it’ll get you a few rabbits in at least.