Archive for May 2020

Strawberry Fennel Forever


Strawberry Fennel Forever

  • 1.0 oz. akvavit (Aalborg)
  • 1.0 oz. genever (Hofland)
  • 0.5 oz. strawberry fennel simple syrup (Royal Rose)
  • 0.25 oz. Green Chartreuse
  • 0.25 kümmel (Combier)
  • 0.25 oz. thyme liqueur (Thym)
  • 0.25 oz. lemon juice
  • dash of lemon bitters (Bitter Truth)

Shake with ice and strain into coupe. Garnish with strawberry.

I started here with the Royal Rose strawberry fennel syrup. For the base I split akvavit/aquavit for some caraway and genever for a little funk. I decided to go all in with the herbal ingredients and grabbed Chartreuse, Thym and kümmel for its fennel flavor. To this I added lemon for acid and some bitters to round everything out.

I was stuck for a name for a bit, but when I focused on “strawberry fennel” as the catalyst for the drink this one came pretty quickly. Let me take you down.